a quick attempt in sketchup to get a sense of what the hell this design might actually feel like.

hand router and custom jigs used to create slots for LED lights in undersides of shelves.

all four shelves cut, sanded, and routed. after all this work it felt like the end was pretty near and the project could be done in a week or so. nope. turns out that was wildly optimistic.

thanks to my friend Gwylim Johnstone for doing the welding on the stand.

shelves shown after routing the edges with a rabbet bit.

potentiometer from a PWM dimmer installed to control the brightness of the LEDs.

bracket to hold the potentiometer in place. later I would discover that this bracket had broken one of the potentiometer’s soldered connections, but not before finishing (and having to undo) half of the rest of the wiring.

four coats of treating the walnut with mineral spirits and tung oil.